Contemporary Audios from Manuel Rodríguez López
Interviews with Manuel Rodriguez Lopez
Interview with MRL by Xulio Xiz in 1976 (Ti Es Eterno, Sarria Contest)
Interview with MRL by Xulio Xiz in 1977 at Radio Popular (A Emigrante, Vilalba Contest)
Interview with MRL at Radio Lugo (A Emigrante)
Manuel Fernando interviews MRL and Alfredo González in Barcelona (A Emigrante)
Interview with MRL by Xulio Xiz in 1978 at Radio Popular
Interview with MRL at Radio Miramar Barcelona (Soldada Mínima)
Interview with MRL by Xulio Xiz in 1979 at Radio Popular (Soldada Mínima)
Antón Grande interviews Manuel Rodríguez López (1980)
Xulio Xiz interviews Ánxel Fole and Manuel Rodríguez López (1980)
Meigas e Trasgos Award, interview by Xulio Xiz (1980)
Chronicle by Manuel Rodríguez López from Catalunya (Radio Popular, 25/05/1981)
Xulio Xiz interviews Manuel Rodríguez López (Radio Popular, 27/08/1981) - Versión 2
Xulio Xiz interviews Manuel Rodríguez López (1983)
Interview with MRL by Xulio Xiz in 1983 at Radio Popular (Reencontro coa Aldea)
Medio cento de galegos e Rosalía (Radio Popular, 05/1983)
Xulio Xiz interviews Manuel Rodríguez López at Radio Galega (1985)
Interview with MRL 1 (Galegos en Catalunya 2)
Interview with MRL 2 (Galegos en Catalunya 2)
Interview with MRL at Radio Lugo (Galegos en Catalunya)
Interviews of Manuel Rodriguez López
Manuel Rodríguez López interviews Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
Manuel Rodriguez Lopez interviews Antonio Díaz Fuentes (1984)
Manuel Rodriguez Lopez interviews Isaac Díaz Pardo (1984)
Manuel Rodriguez Lopez interviews Martínez López (1984)
Manuel Rodriguez Lopez interviews Paz Andrade (1984)
Manuel Rodriguez Lopez interviews Ramón Piñeiro (1984)
Manuel Rodriguez Lopez interviews Ricard Salvat (1984)
Manuel Rodriguez Lopez interviews Xerardo Fernández Albor (1984)
Presentacións de Libros de MRL
Filgueira Valverde presents Galegos en Catalunya 1978-1982 and Reencontro coa Aldea
Presentation by Iolanda Gallego on Reencontro coa Aldea in Sabadell
Presentation by Manuel Casado Nieto de Galegos of Catalunya 1978-1982 in Mollet
Presentation by Víctor Moro of Reencontro coa Aldea in O Penedo
Presentation by Carlos de Arce of Galegos en Catalunya 1978-1982 and Reencontro coa Aldea
Manolo Vázquez, of the Galician Center of Barcelona
Manuel Rodríguez López and the President of the group Cornellá
Presentation of Galegos en Catalunya 1978-1982 in Galician Center of Barcelona
President of the Xunta de Galicia, Fernández Albor
Presentation by Galegos en Catalunya 2 in Palau Generalitat
Representative of the Generalitat (in catalán)
Manuel Rodríguez López (in galician and catalán)
Representative of the Generalitat (in catalán)
Galicians in Catalonia
Manuel Rodriguez Lopez was Director of the "Galicians in Catalonia", issued in the program "Our Galicia" in Radio Miramar (1-1-81/30-6-81). This is a small sample of biographies made.
Introduction to the program Galegos en Catalunya by MRL in Radio Miramar
Travelling with Anxel Fole
01 Travelling with Anxel Fole - A Barrela I
02 Travelling with Anxel Fole - A Barrela II
Opening speech of the celebrations of San Vitorio (26/08/1981)